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Nostalgia ID : 262
Title : Robocop +8DFHIR [SD2IEC]
Status : Released
Release Date : 2023-03-31
System Type : PAL/NTSC
Publisher(s) : Ocean
Year of release : 1988
Trainers : +8
+D (Documentation/Manual)
+F (PAL/NTSC Fixing)
+H (High Score Saving)
+I (IDE64 Fix)
+R (REU Support)
Loader Info : SD2IEC (SD2IEC)
Credits : Bugfixing : Erhan
Cracking : Erhan
Documents writing : Erhan
NTSC Fixing : Erhan
Testing : Hurminator, Lemming, SLC
Training : Erhan
Additional Info : Bugfix release for #262 released in 2015. Last level, losing a life caused crash. Enhancements:
- latest n0sdos
- sd2iec version added
Download : Download (Downloads:333 Views:840)

          ______             ______                         _____
      ____\ _  |_______ _____|   _/__ ______ _____  ________\_  /________
  __ /  __ \/  |  __   \   __/_  ___/_ __   \    /__|   ___/  \/|\_____  \ __
  \//   \/     |  \/   /____   \ \/  | \/ _  \  /   |   \_  \   |    \/   \\/
__  \    \_____|______//_______/_____|____/__/______|_______/___|____/    /  __
\/ --\____\---------------------------------------------------------/____/-- \/
  ------------------------------ -- - /\ - -- -------------------------------
     /\           ____/\  __________ //\\ ___________  /\____           /\
 ___/  \___    __/ .x/  \/          //__\\           \/  \x. \__    ___/  \___
 \        /   /\____/__  \__                       __/  __\____/\   \        /
  \      /    \/_/_/_//\   /   P R E S E N T S :   \   /\\_\_\_\/    \      /
  /     _\____ ___/__/ /       -----------------       \ \__\___ ____/_     \
 /__    \___ /|_//_/_\/             Robocop             \/_\_\\_|\ ___/    __\
    \  / \  \ | /               (C) 1988 Ocean                \ | /  / \  /
     \/   \/ \|/       ---------------------------------       \|/ \/   \/
              /                                                 /
             / \       Type     : Action - Arcade              / \
            /___\      System   : PAL/NTSC                    /___\
              |        Extras   : +8, Docs, Highscore,          |
              |                   REU, IDE64, EasyFlash         |
              |        Release  : 262                           |
              |        Date     : 31-03-2023                    |
              |                                                 |
              | Patrolman Murphy was the 32nd cop to be gunned  |
              | down in Detroit since Security Concepts Inc.    |
              | took control of the police department. It was   |
              | the opportunity OCP had been waiting for...     |
              | They took what was left of Murphy and turned him|
              | into a deadly killing machine with a reinforced |
              | titanium body, an erased memory and a programmed|
              | mind. However they could not completely wipe out|
              | the memory of his horrific ordeal and he sets   |
              | out to track down the gang responsible. In this |
              | game you are Robocop! You are the future of law |
              | enforcement.                                    |
              |                                                 |
              | PART MAN, PART MACHINE, ALL GAME                |
              | This is bugfix release for #262, 24-12-2015.    |
              | This release also loads on SD2IEC devices with  |
              | latest nightly firmware. Highscore save         |
              | function not working yet, until new firmware    |
              | supports MODIFY command.                        |
              |         For Greetings, check our intro!         |