The date was 1st of January in 1994 when Mr Alpha, then in Rebels, had the idea to form an"oldie-group", as he calls it. This new kind of a scene association should release old skooldemos, game-graphics and -musics in collections to keep remembrances awake. It was firstly called "The Remembers" (TR) and also wanted to provide fresh and hot orries to the famous groups that were still around at that time. "Legendary Oldies #2" was the first real product coming from TR, the first part of these oldies was released under the Rebels flag earlier. The first sceners following Mr Alpha were Maverick, H-Bloxx and luckily also Zyron, who agreed on an offer by Mr Alpha in spring 1994.
With Zyron in the real fun began; he made many quality cracks out of old games, worked on collections and provided intros. No wonder Mr Alpha was shocked when this active part of TR stated to open his own oldie group leaving TR behind. Mr Alpha then killed TR completely following Zyron into the new group "Nostalgia" [N0], but after all it was only a kind of transformation, as [N0]contained most of the former TR members. After the first [N0] release, Sidburners #2 (July 1995), Zyron lowered his activity level and things got slow in [N0]. However, with launching Art Gallery #1 as well as Sidburners #3 in 1996 and a strong swapping fleet (Violator, Walker, Scare) the group got enormous positive feedback and gained a lot of fans in the scene and also in the internet.
When TR was founded and its members kept it up and running by releasing pieces out of the golden eighties, it was something new in the scene. Cracks of the golden oldies, music and graphic collections with old skool contents was the idea that built TR and still is the spirit in Nostalgia. With TR's roots lying back in early 1994 we could praise ourselves as the "oldest oldie-group", but everybody will agree that this title sounds pretty stupid, doesnt't it ?!
The most beloved collection is without doubt the Sidburners saga. If you want your soundchip to play real history than load the Sidburners and listen to all those legendaries, such as Hubbard, Gray, Galway, Crowther, Daglish. It's always a horrible work ro relocate the game tunes to the $1000/03 standard, but the final result is always something special. The Sidburners #4 is eagerly awaited in the scene, and we promise to do our best to satisfy all the SID fans outthere. Apart from that, many other collections got launched, all of them containing C64 history.
Calling the "games" of today "games" is nothing but embarassing. Previews of never finished games rule the first-release market, the small amount of worthy games decreases even more. Many crackers quitted around the early nineties, many worthy groups ceased to exist then, all seemed to suffer to death. The times when the cracker scene had an image of heavy illegality was over, the big software firms went away. In times when new commercial games get rare some of the still active crackers remembered the fun breaking into copy protections of good games and jewelling the already great game by spoiling it with trainers plus adding kicking rasterbar intros etc. Apart from TR and [N0] groups like Powercraft (maintained by Fuben/Oxyron), Emulators (Ignorance), Remember (Jack Alien, HOK) and Cyberpunx got founded and cracked ("cracked" in the actual sense !!) the games from the golden eighties. Most of them reached a very high activity level and their newly cracked games (malicious tongues call them re-releases :) gespread around the globe, not only via snail-mail, but also via the internet. Many old commie fans are hooked to the games again, playing them with rising enthusiasm. Imagine that, games coming from a little 8-bit machine from the early eighties ! It's like watching a photo-album from your childhood, a moment of remembrances, neither more nor less.
Every member is without question a dedicated stuff collector. Beside heavy trading within the group we also use the internet to gain stuff to enlarge our collections. Thus the very idealistic idea was born to create the largest demo-list ever done in this scene, to open a somewhat public domain library with all the collected wares. We already started to compile the lists of all [N0] members, it's just a question of time to get first presentable results. |  |