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Nostalgia ID : Unnumbered release
Title : The Bard's Tale III - Thief of Fate EasyFlash
Status : Released
Release Date : 2023-03-19
System Type : PAL/NTSC
Publisher(s) : Electronic Arts
Year of release : 1988
Trainers : None
+D (Documentation/Manual)
Loader Info : EasyFlash (EasyFlash)
Credits : Cracking : S!R
Linking : S!R
Testing : Hurminator, The Keyboarder
Additional Info : You can open up the Utility menu from the title page by pressing U.
From here you can select export/import save game from disk/cartridge.
You can watch end sequence.
You can view quick docs.
Or you can go into character editor to boost your gold and stats.
Download : Download (Downloads:201 Views:1435)

          ______             ______                         _____
      ____\ _  |_______ _____|   _/__ ______ _____  ________\_  /________
  __ /  __ \/  |  __   \   __/_  ___/_ __   \    /__|   ___/  \/|\_____  \ __
  \//   \/     |  \/   /____   \ \/  | \/ _  \  /   |   \_  \   |    \/   \\/
__  \    \_____|______//_______/_____|____/__/______|_______/___|____/    /  __
\/ --\____\---------------------------------------------------------/____/-- \/
  ------------------------------ -- - /\ - -- -------------------------------
     /\           ____/\  __________ //\\ ___________  /\____           /\
 ___/  \___    __/ .x/  \/          //__\\           \/  \x. \__    ___/  \___
 \        /   /\____/__  \__                       __/  __\____/\   \        /
  \      /    \/_/_/_//\   /   P R E S E N T S :   \   /\\_\_\_\/    \      /
  /     _\____ ___/__/ /       -----------------       \ \__\___ ____/_     \
 /__    \___ /|_//_/_\/       The Bard's Tale III       \/_\_\\_|\ ___/    __\
    \  / \  \ | /                Thief of Fate                \ | /  / \  /
     \/   \/ \|/           (c) 1988 Electronic Arts            \|/ \/   \/
              /        ---------------------------------        /
             / \                                               / \
            /___\      Type     : Adventure RPG 3D            /___\
              |        System   : C64 TapeCart PAL/NTSC         |
              |        Extras   : Quck-Docs, Save game import & |
              |                   Character editor.             |
              |        Date     : 14-01-2023                    |
              |                                                 |
              |                                                 |
              |                                                 |
              | Cracked from disk, and adapted for Easyflash    |
              | and TapeCart as well.                           |
              |                                                 |
              | Save games can be imported and exported to      |
              | a floppy disk.   Meaning you can import your    |
              | old save games to be used with this             |
              | Easyflash version.                              |
              |                                                 |
              | Character editor allows you to modify the       |
              | stats for you character and save them with the  |
              | game.                                           |
              |                                                 |
              |                                                 |
              |                 Happy new Year!                 |
              |                                                 |
              |           See intro for greetings.              |